Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Reading Medical Reversal showed me I was not cynical enough regarding medical matters
If you count the first year of medical school until now I have been thinking
about medical matters for over 60 years.With the background of private practice
of internal medicine in the 1970s my "journey" as a patient through the
corporatized medical labyrhynth of a large medical hospital system with and EHR
replete with bogus physical exam reports left me as cynical and resentful as
possible, or so I thought But after reading Medical Reversal I found my
cynicism soaring to new heights. My cynicism is at least on two levels -1.the
indidual generalist's lack of medical knowledge and 2 the level of accepted
medical practices that are either harmful of ineffective.It is this second level
that Cefu and Prasad address in their book "Medical Reversal" Some of the
material they discuss is old hat such as the CAST trial,and the injection of
material into collapsed vertebra and the hormone treatment of women BUt there is
more discussed in the book,including the controversey regarding Tamiflu,the lack
of utility of a widely used anti sepsis treatment,the sham trial disproving the
value of internal mammary ligation,the sham trial showing the lack of value of
meninsectomy for degerative meniscus tear,and the reversal of the popular
treatment for sepsis. "No matter how cynical you become its never enough to keep
up" Lilly Tomlin.
Why so many more eye drops post cataract surgery in US than Europe
In many european countries a singe intra eye injection of cefuroxime is used
instead of multiple topical antibiotic drops.There seems to be no doubt in
the eye surgery literature that this "intracameral" injection is very effective
reducing the risk of infection by some 4 or 5 fold and seeminly make the use
of post op antibiotic eye drops unnecessary
So why in Europe and not in US? It may have to do with the lack of availablity
of an intra ocular injection form of cefuroxime in US and the drug company profit from
dispensing lots of eye drops.
Alexander Hamilton on those who generate chaos
“Those then, who resist a confirmation of public order, are the true Artificers of monarchy—not that this is the intention of the generality of them. Yet it would not be difficult to lay the finger upon some of their party who may justly be suspected. When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.”
Dr. Bandy X Lee former Yale psychiatrist was fired from Yale because she believed her duty to warn
trumped ( pun intended) the Goldwater rule.Her book title is The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump.She
knew DJT was riding his own storm .
Are physicians losing their sense of ownership of their patient's care
Are physicians losing thier sense of owndership of their patients care?
I believe so. Physicans' language demonstated their care or commtment to their patient as least when I trained
and when I was in private practice. We would say to a consultant Could you see MY patient.
or I saw YOUR PATIENT today.The language spoke of their commitment.
In the corporatized medical setting in which I was treated last year physicians did not
personally refer me to another physician.Rather they entered a order into the EHR and
then required me to call and make an appointment.
When I was in private practice in a large sub speciliaty internal medicine group, I would call an collegue about a referal
or my nurse would contact the physcian's nurse and either way the urgency or lack thereof was
transmitted and what took me six weeks to see the next physician in this new world of effecient
corporatized medicine would have takeen 2 or 3
days at the most. Further I would be anxious to learn of the consutant's views which would
typically be expressd in a phone call or a coffee room conversation.The Gi docs would wanted
a ENT consult for me had no sense of when if ever a consultation reort would be available. Out of
sight out of mind. No sense of personal ownership was there.Since perhaps with that ownership
there may have also been a pride of owndership that is lost in the new medical world where
suits dictate efficiency.
Should nonselective His Bundle pacing be called " so called' ?
Should non selective His bundle pacing be called “so called
Non selective His Bundle Pacing” ?. The publications (1) of Dr Rehan
Malmud makes a case for just that.
Mahmud suggests the possibility that the conduction is actually
conduction though concealed pathways and suggests that the pathway
Is the superior septal connection that were initially described by Mahaim.
The theory of His pacing is LBBB is often due to discrete lesions in the
His bundle and that the lead is then placed distal to the block thereby correcting
The Bundle branch block.This concept is hard to reconcile with several studies
That describe the pathology of LBBB consisting of multiple lesions in the His bundle and
In the branches.How could scattered lesions in the bundle branches be correction by stimulating
the His Bundle?
(1 ) Rahan Mahmud et al Stimulating the His Bundle.block by so called non selective His Bundle Pacing.The
Potential Role of accessory connections in the ventricular septal crest.Heart Rhythm 2024