Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Efficient claims payments is the last thing Medical insurers want

Everyone who has ever been stooged by Insurance carriers regarding medical claims, patients and physicians alike, has to read this entry in the Covert Rationing Blog and , of course, everyone has been stooged. DrRich has this great comment describing how insurance companies screw docs out of their fees.

They accomplish this by employing byzantine rules, by strictly enforcing unintelligible requirements that shift like the sands, by establishing arcane appeals processes, and, when all else fails, by generating a series of black holes into which claims mysteriously disappear, so that (if the doctor still insists on being paid) the claims process must be initiated all over again. Call it the “Shoots and Ladders” model of claims processing.

If we need to squeeze just one more sentence into the medical school curriculum, it should be that one.

DrRick refers the readers to details written by Dr. Stanley Feld in the blog Repairing the HealthCare System.
Go there to learn more alarming and infuriating details.

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