Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Statins (or at least one of them) seems to just get better and better

Just as we thought there could not possibly be any more purported benefits of the statin drugs we are treated to still another reason to get on the bandwagon- prevention of venous clots.

At least that is what we are told by more breaking news from the latest paradigm shifting, landmark study, the JUPITER trial. We now learn that in this large , randomized trial of persons whose LDL were less than 130 and their CRP were greater than 2,that there was a 43 % decrease in the incidence of venous thrombotic disease in the rosuvastatin (20 mg) group. See here for the entire article from the NEJM.

Previously I had blogged about the reported benefits of pre-operative statins in terms of fewer deaths,fewer strokes and a lower incidence of atrial fibrillation.

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