Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Compulsory medical insurance -but not until after the next presidential election

Front load some of the benefits, back load the costs and the compulsions, put them all together in a behemoth sized bill of mind boggling complexity and ambiguity and voila you have health care reform reform passed with 2 or 3 votes to spare. Here is cogent discussion of why the bill is so long and so complex when a few pages could have described a plan to give subsidies to those too poor to purchase health insurance. Could it be more than just a health care bill?

Apparently Senator Baucus thinks the health care bill may serve at least other or perhaps more important purpose.See here for that story. Here is what he is quoted as saying:

"Too often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the middle income class is left behind," "Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America."

Vice-President, Joe Biden, however says no, It is just being fair.See here

To the extent that Baucus has corrected characterized the legislation there are those who would believe that social justice has been well served as it is always said to be when wealth is redistributed.To those folks I submit the following commentary by the economist D.W.MacKensie

While we cannot be sure about the details of future changes in government regulations or programs, economic theory indicates that these costs rise over time. Ideally, legislators pursue what some people term ‘social justice’ through redistribution. The term social justice lacks any objective meaning. People have different opinions as to what constitutes a fair redistribution of wealth, and there is no objective criterion for determining whose version of social justice is correct. No one can comprehend all the factors that would have to enter into an actual estimate of ‘socially just’ income distribution. Claims of social justice are at best based on narrow and incomplete value judgments, and at worst completely arbitrary opinions. Since social justice has no meaning, the pursuit of this goal inevitably degenerates into power struggles among interest groups.

"Power struggles by special interests groups" is a concept not typically taught in high school civics class.

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