Friday, October 29, 2010

At least some of the secrecy of the mysterious RUC is revealed

See here for an enlightening article from WSJ that goes -at least to some degree- behind the veil of the powerful AMA brain child, the RUC.Well, at least we are told who is the current chairman of the RUC and that she gave out baseball hats with "RUC" on the front and organized bowling for team building. This is encouraging to those who felt a major problem with the RUC was lack of baseball hats and bowling.

Once again kudos to the tireless Dr. Roy Poses for his continuing efforts to shine light on the AMA's RUC which plays a key role in dividing up the Medicare physician payment money which itself is limited by the price controls in place since 1991. Go here for his latest review of that situation and information about some recent efforts that have been somewhat successful in revealing what goes on behind the RUC veil.

We have had central planning in place for Medicare physician payments for almost a decade and we continue to see the consequences,both intended and unintended,not the least of which is a shortage of primary care physicians.

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