Wednesday, January 19, 2011

More on how Electronic Medical Records will fix mostly everything

If you read this entry from Health Care Renewal you will realize how stupid and counterproductive electronic health care records can be.I say "can be" and sometimes are , not they have to be.

AND this entry from the same blog gives some very revealing insights as to who can get what from electronic medical records.Hint- it won't always be the patient or the physician. Dr. Scot Silverstein deserves much credit for his seemingly untiring efforts to educate us all about some of the really harmful ( and hypocritical) things going on in the EMR business.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the kudos.

    Sadly, the only credit I've received to date has been a whopping helping of marginalization.

    And an EHR-injured mother due to hospital personnel not listening to my prior written admonitions.

    -- SS
