Thursday, January 06, 2011

Three commnentaries and a synthesis on central planning of health care

I strongly recommend this entry on the blog roadtohellthcare by Dr. Douglas Perednia .

He discusses three commentaries on the same broad subject, two by physician bloggers and one by a health care insurance industry executive. The physicians are Dr. Richard Fogoros, aka DrRich of Covert Rationing Blog and Dr. Scot Silverstein of the blog Health Care Renewal and of another blog devoted to issues involving medical information systems.see here.

The important message ( there are other messages as well and all three blog entries are well worth reading) from these blogs is best summarized by a concluding paragraph from Dr. Perednia;

Together these articles cover an enormous amount of ground, but the central message is that we’re making a big mistake if we think that coercing our doctors into using expensive and complex information technology and following the edicts of centralized “panels of experts” is going to get us where we want to go as patients. These are the obsessions and grand managerial plans of people who really don’t know much about doctors, patients and the real-world of delivering and receiving healthcare services. People in government bureaucracies, insurance companies, think tanks and academic medical centers, whose livelihoods depend upon claiming to be smarter, better informed and more creative than clinicians who actually deliver the care. These regulators and technocrats have now been in charge and working their will on healthcare for over 20 years.

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