Monday, February 21, 2011

Is lying for the greater good part of the New Medical Ethics

Dr. Paul Hsieh discusses the antics of alleged physicians in the current Wisconsin kerfuffle writing notes falsifying an illness to excuse absence from work while the recipients attended the rally.See here.

He suggests that this dishonest behavior ties in nicely with the New Medical Ethics as promulgated by the American college of Physicians in which the notion of Social Justice is elevated to a prominent position.

Well, one way or another someone is lying. If those claiming to be physicians are really not, they are obviously lying and if they are physicians they are lying about the purported sick time.

Dr. Scott Silverstein, writing on the blog "Health Care Renewal" discusses the sick-note incident in terms of the slippery-slope situation that arises when there is "physician dishonesty-on-an-agenda " which he describes as the face of postmodern medicine.

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