Sunday, July 10, 2011

Meta-analyses-money well spent?

I have blogged more than once ( see here and here )about meta-analyses (MA) and quoted Steve Goodman MD PhD more than once when he said that MAs are just observational studies in which the observed elements are studies. I would add and we just don't know what went on behind the curtain.

They are not super randomized trials as the prefix "meta" might imply but should rightly reside significantly under RCTs in the hierarchy of clinical research methods.

Since the views expressed conform nicely with my biases I was drawn to this commentary by Dr Wes.

1 comment:

  1. I was drawn to the same post by Dr. Wes and for similar reasons. It prompted me to post a review of a classic paper by Alvan Feinstein entitled "Meta-analysis: statistical alchemy for the 21st century." ( Thank you for your efforts. Michel
