Friday, December 21, 2012

More revolving door antics with Obamacare

I have commented before about the happy feet of Elizabeth Fowler and her travels in and out of government and in and out of the industries materially affected by the branch of government in which she "served".See here for earlier commentary.

Now a similar tale can be told in regard to a major player in the governmental regulation of the health  insurance industry.Steve Larsen's resume is similar to Dr. Fowler. As outlined here he worked with an insurance company and then played a key role in HHS  dealing with insurance regulation as regards ACA and now back to insurance, this with a subsidiary of a company who was the beneficiary of a large HHS contract while Larsen was employed by HHS.

Larsen left his position as head of HHS's Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight shortly before SOCTUS ruled Obamacare was constitutional and is now an executive VP with the UHG subsidiary Optum. Mr. Larsen also played a role in one of favorite examples of the social justice brought about by Obamacare,the granting of exemptions to friends of the administration. See here.

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