Thursday, July 05, 2018

Is the Choosing Wisely campaign a giant flim flam benefitting the thrid party payers?

Is the choosing wisely initiative (CW) just a clever ploy to save money for the third party payer?
 or Is it just about a sincere effort by physicians who really care to eliminate to the extent feasible fraud and waste?

Is CW an extension of the New Professionalism movement?

I  argue that CW is a flim flam and a power grab jointly shared by the third party payers and the medical progressive elite who provide the academic cover and propaganda. I  argue that it is in fact about much more that elimination of fraud and waste and that it is a logical outgrow of a major element of the change in medical ethics that the New Professionalism movement is attempting to bring about.

It is a story about the ACP the ABIM and a foundation ( the ABIMF) established with money obtained from internists taking certifying exams whose fees greatly exceeded any reasonable cost of providing those examinations and about  another foundation  , the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)

I  argue that it is not just the CW ad campaign funded by ABIMF and RWJF but it is larger namely The New Professionalism-Choosing wisely-high value care flim flam.

The New Professionalism authored by folks from ACP,ABIM and the RWJF  provided the cover or alleged philosophical foundation for CW and the push for high value care.The follow the money rule continues to have great explanatory value.

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