Friday, August 10, 2018

Many Kudos for the anti-MOC warriors and glimmers of hope

Dr. Wes Fisher ,an EP Cardiologist from the Chicago area, has waged what was  for a long while a
one man crusade about the questionable activities of the American Board of Internal Medicine and its own foundation the ABIM foundation and the harmful effects of  their maintenance of certification  (MOC) program. I have blogged a bit about that before and now a number of other physicians have joined in the fray.

Now it seems his prodigious work in that area is beginning to pay off.He recently took part in a very instructive  podcast with Dr. Michel Accad. Fisher is now working with a law firm doing preliminary work hopefully leading to a law suit against the ABIM possibly involving anti trust  issues and fraud.

Money is need for the litigation to move forward.To aid in that effort , Dr. Accad has offered a copy of his brilliant book, "Moving Mountains" to folks who contribute to a fund for the litigation.

Go to the pod cast to learn in details about the antics of the ABIM that catalyzed Dr. Fisher's efforts. See  this link for episode no. 17 of the Accad and Koka Report and links are available there for a GoFundMe link for Fisher's law suit and to the organization he founded, Practicing Physicians of America.

Incidental note. For the last 2 days I have been unable to link to Dr. Fisher's website. I enter and am diverted to .I was able to backdoor into his site from his Twitter feed.Has his web site been hacked? Coincidence? Addendum , two days later Dr. Fisher's web site was up .

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