Sunday, January 15, 2023

Will morphing physicians into health care providers destroy their placebo-witch doctor power

Thoughts catalyzed by lecture by Dr. Olshansky on the placebo effect  at Methodist Cardiology Rounds.

In out ancestral, tribal- based behavior maybe there is some DNA driving us to seek out and follow leaders, strong wise individuals who can shepherd us through tough times- societal and even personal as in health care matters.

Knowing as much as I know about doctors and medicine and clinical trials and  fragile and contradictory  guidelines  and the utter impossibility of being able to keep up with every thing even in  your own  subspeciality  and the temporal fragility of medical advice I think I have largely lost the capability to benefit from the placebo- witch doctor -effect when -I absolutely have to see a doctor HCP.

The question I am raising here is will HCPs without MD degrees pack the same placebo power as physicians for those who are not as skeptical as I am of the physician's ability.

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