Monday, September 02, 2019

Contracting out post operative wound care-economic opportunity and what effect on patient care

I have been out of the game so long that I did not realize that apparently post operative op wound care,at least those with infected wounds,are often  contracted to wound care practices.

Wound care centers treat more than post operative wounds,including skin ulcers from venous or arterial disease,radiation burns,trauma etc.

What I found interesting was that  in regard to post op wounds t,hat this was something historically managed by the surgeon and post op followup was considered paid for by the surgical fee. ( if anyone can correct me on that please do)

So this was  a situation in which medical care that could be carved out and now compensated for.Someone found a new income stream. Is it sensible to think of this as a win-win situation as the surgeon is relieved of frequently being reminded of his complication and someone else can take care of problem and be compensated for it. Further, to the extent that a wound care facility is good at what they do ( maybe better than the surgeon) it is a win-win-win situation.

This is another example of the increasing fragmentation of medical care. Internists have morphed into outpatient doctors and hospitalists and many procedures traditionally done by various varieties of internists have been handed off to the  interventional radiologists,

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