Sunday, December 20, 2020

Dealing with the covid pandemic is not science all the way down

Ross Douthat,writing in the WSJ on 12/19/2020 entitled his opinion piece "Why you can't just trust the science." I think he was not saying to distrust science but rather he was saying all decisions regarding how the human enterprise copes with the pandemic is not science all the way down. Logistical questions,ethical and moral decisions have to be  made and sometimes those decisions get camouflaged as a scientific decision . 

A key paragraph:

"Last month their Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices produced a working document that’s a masterpiece of para-scientific effort, in which questions that are legitimately medical and scientific (who will the vaccine help the most), questions that are more logistical and sociological (which pattern of distribution will be easier to put in place) and moral questions about who deserves a vaccine are all jumbled up, assessed with a form of pseudo-rigor that resembles someone bluffing the way through a McKinsey job interview and then used to justify the conclusion that we should vaccinate essential workers before seniors … because seniors are more likely to be privileged and white."

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