Thursday, March 10, 2022

The Government's new covid plan 2-Public Health 0

 Gregg Gonsalves writing in The Nation claims that the Biden administration has turned its back on the pandemic and that the perceived public desire for normalcy has lead to an "organized abandonment". 

It is as if the "I've had it with covid" mentality was transformed into a U.S. national policy. 

It would be wonderful if the covid virus would mutate itself into another common cold coronavirus but hope is not usually much of a plan for a respiratory virus than so far had killed almost one million Americans. 

Meanwhile back at the real world covid ranch there are signals that there may be the beginnings of a surge in several countries who have declared masks and other NPI measures are no longer necessary namely  Great Britain, Denmark and more recently Canada.The vulnerables are left with one way masking and so far inadequate supplies of sotrovimab and Paxlavid.The CDC should have emphasized the importance of use of N 95 masks particularly in the context of one way masking since people are no longer admonished to wear masks to protect others.

The apparent nascent recent surge in omicron cases must be due to some combination of increase in the BNA2 variant,cessation of basic mitigation procedures and immunity whether induced by vaccine or disease waning .  

For an amazingly detailed and comprehensive daily update of most things covid you cannot do better than Eric Topol's twitter feed. For detailed  and nuanced discussion of many aspects of covid I highly recommend the writings of Dr. Katelyn Jetilina who writes under the title of "Your Local Epidemiologist"

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