Monday, January 09, 2023

The hematology literature seems unaware of the effect of strenuous exercise on blood iron related measurements

 In their authoritative review in the Journal Blood (1) in January 2019 Drs. Weiss,Ganz and Goodnough discussed what is known about iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and anemia of inflammation (AI) and devoted a section as to how to differentiate between the two and to recognize patients in whom both conditions exist. 

What was not discussed or even mentioned was exercise as a cause of iron deficiency anemia.Neither was  mention made of the effect of a session of aerobic exercise on various iron status blood tests.Much has been written about exercise and iron deficiency and IDA and the role of exercise induced hemolysis and its contribution to an increased iron requirement in endurance athletes in the physiology and sports medicine literature .

1) Weiss, G, Ganz,T and Goodnough,L Anemia of Inflammation. Blood 2019 133 (1) 40-60

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