See more about the Medicare Advantage ploy from Black Ribbon Project blog here. Also I commented on this egregious political play before.

Another alleged cost saving proposal included in Obamacare was the Community Living Assistance and Support Act (CLASS).
Early on, opponents of the health care bill insisted that its provisions were not fiscally sound and were placed in the bill to give the illusion that Obamacare would cost less than the magic one trillion dollar price tag. The plan was to front load the plan with premiums without any benefit payments for a number of years. It was advertised as a mechanism to decrease the federal deficit by 86 billion over a ten year period. Now even with the deck as rigged as it was it will not work . The Secretary of HHS has admitted that.
More and more elements of the Obamacare monster bill seem to be either unraveling completely or postponed until after the 2012 election.
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