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The Charter ( Medical Professionalism in the New Millennium.A Physician's Charter) did not deal with just the important relationship of ...

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Should nonselective His Bundle pacing be called " so called' ?

Should non selective His bundle pacing be called “so called Non selective His Bundle Pacing” ?. The publications (1) of Dr Rehan Malmud makes a case for just that. Mahmud suggests the possibility that the conduction is actually conduction though concealed pathways and suggests that the pathway Is the superior septal connection that were initially described by Mahaim. The theory of His pacing is LBBB is often due to discrete lesions in the His bundle and that the lead is then placed distal to the block thereby correcting The Bundle branch block.This concept is hard to reconcile with several studies That describe the pathology of LBBB consisting of multiple lesions in the His bundle and In the branches.How could scattered lesions in the bundle branches be correction by stimulating the His Bundle? (1 ) Rahan Mahmud et al Stimulating the His Bundle.block by so called non selective His Bundle Pacing.The Potential Role of accessory connections in the ventricular septal crest.Heart Rhythm 2024

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